- Young Buck Brew
- Shield Retro
- R92B Crossed Logo
- Our Brand
- Michael Raven
- Love This
- Insignia
- Hipster Company
- Great Awards
- Ecologic Reservation
- Breakfast Style
- Arrowhead Valley
What our clients say
He is the ultimate professional and employs the right personnel to ensure all his events are conducted efficiently and prides himself on his public relations skills which are also passed on to all his Staff and Contractors to perform whilst carrying out their duties. I have no hesitation in recommending SEAA to any prospective clients.
PresidentSurf Life Saving Queensland South Coast Branch
Thank you and congratulations on implementing our needs with an ever-changing canvas. You made it look easy considering the issues that were presented to yourself!
Venue Manager - Aquatic CentreLondon Olympics 2012
We will definitely be in touch with you guys should the need for security come up again in the future and I will happily recommend you to anyone who wants to use your services! We don’t really use security a lot to be honest, but you are top of the list when we do as we really enjoyed working with you guys too!
National Publicity ManagerUniversal Music Group
I apologize for not writing earlier. However, I took some much needed down time last week to recharge. I just wanted to reach out and say thank you to Sequel for sending us both Jim and Craig. As is the case with pretty much every act, our security needs are fairly unique, and Jim and Craig both jumped in without missing a beat. I heard compliments for your guys from all four musicians, and everyone was very impressed with both their professionalism as well as disposition. They fit right in with our team. I look forward to working with you all again soon.
Steve DrymalskiStone Temple Pilots
I just want to say thank you again for all your support. You made a good addition to the team; this leg of the tour was a lot a fun! You had solid advance work on your end! Great job!
Chief Security OfficerU2 360º World Tour
It was good to see you again. Thanks for all your help and jumping on board at short notice, look forward to doing it all again on the next project.
Tour Security Director Lady Gaga, The Born This Way Tour - Australia I New Zealand I Europe
I wanted to extend a great big thank you and big vote of appreciation for all your hard work, flexibility and commitment to our beautiful Gardens throughout today. As you all know it wasn’t the easiest event to plan for or resource and I thought it was wonderful how helpful and responsive you all were to accommodate the changing needs of the event. Thanks! PS. Could you please pass on to your team, they were all excellent and proactive and I would welcome every one of them back on site.
RuthRoyal Botanic Garden (Sydney)
I just wanted to take the time and thank the SEAA crew who worked the Sydney Big Day Out, particularly at the front of the two main stages. I was lucky enough to attend both days, and on the Saturday I spent the entire day on the front barrier of the main stage. There I witnessed the professional, caring and friendly natured guards looking after us all, providing PLENTY of water, removing the idiots and carefully pulling out punters who wished to leave. I’m sure there will be some complaints from BDO patrons, but after spending 10hrs at the front of the main stage I can assure you those employees did an EMACULATE job. Congratulations.
Anthony LaingBig Day Out (Sydney)
I would like the opportunity to pass on some positive feedback in regards to two of your security officers that were present at Mrs Macquarie’s Chair on New Year’s Eve...” ...“This email is simply to let you know that both of these Security Officers operated above and beyond my expectations and experiences of Security Officers in the past, and I was extremely impressed with their professional manner, behaviour, communication skills and the ability to move even the most stubborn of people.
Category Manager, National ProcurementMrs Macquarie’s Chair